Events for 09 February, 2025

Exhibition | Yuriyal Bridgeman: yubilong(mi)bilongyu
21 Nov

Exhibition | Yuriyal Bridgeman: yubilong(mi)bilongyu

"Yuriyal Bridgeman: yubilong(mi)bilongyu' includes significant new works that reflect the culmination of Bridgeman's most recent research practice, along with a selection of works, many in bold and breathtaking bright colours, surveying the breadth of Bridgeman's career to date.

This exhibition is co-curated by Angela Goddard, Director of Griffith University Art Museum and respected Bougainville Elder and art curator Aunty Sana Balai.
Excess All Areas: New Quotidian Collective
04 Feb

Excess All Areas: New Quotidian Collective

The New Quotidian arts practice is a collective by current Queensland College of Art & Design, Griffith University students that aims to take back the power residing in the everyday to replace habitual consumerism with radical micro-actions that resist the dominant economic growth narrative
EXCESS ALL AREAS: The New Quotidian Collective
04 Feb

EXCESS ALL AREAS: The New Quotidian Collective

The New Quotidian arts practice takes back the power residing in the everyday to replace habitual consumerism with radical micro-actions that resist the dominant economic growth narrative. The artists deliberately employ slow quotidian practices like walking and using public transport to explore urban environments littered with consumer waste. In turn, found objects provide inspiration, imagery and materiality for the practice.
Disruption: An exhibition created through a knowledge exchange  among 5 Asia Pacific institutions
06 Feb

Disruption: An exhibition created through a knowledge exchange among 5 Asia Pacific institutions

Disruption is an exhibition created through a knowledge exchange among 5 Asia Pacific institutions. Featuring Insitut Seni Surakarta, Indonesia; King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand; National Art School Sydney; Queensland College of Art & Design Brisbane and 16albermarle Project Space Sydney.