An evaluation of measures to reduce corporate aviation emissions: A Griffith University case study
Please join us as the Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing Seminar Series hosts Professor Tim Ryley, Griffith University.
Advanced Behaviour Change Masterclass
In this workshop, we challenge you to consider the many agencies tasked with delivering behavioural change. You will be challenged to identify potential synergies that could be obtained to extend reach in the communities you serve.Participation in the Advanced Behaviour Change Masterclass will advance your knowledge of the social marketing toolkit and provide you with more tools to enable sustained change.
Partnering With Commercial Partnerships To Achieve Social Objectives Masterclass
Involving businesses to achieve positive behaviour change. - This interactive masterclass will highlight the basics of corporate social responsibility and cross-sector partnerships and provide practical tips on how to optimise such initiatives. In addition to gaining insights, participants will share experiences and gain knowledge through a peer-to-peer learning process.- Public Lecture
- Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing (WOW).
- Researcher Education and Development
- GriffithBUSINESS
- Professional Learning Hub
- Professional Development
- Griffith Business School
- Learning Futures
- Developing Researcher Training Program
- Careers and Employment
- Arts, Education and Law
- Training/Workshop
- Griffith Business School Alumni Network
Griffith Business School Alumni Networking breakfast: Distractions at Work
The Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing aim to bridge the gap between workplace research, practice and policy to help meet the demands of a constantly changing and adapting business world. Our speakers for the morning are guests of the Centre and will discuss distractions at work, such as bullying, discrimination, fair work practices as well as office design and layout, and strategies to deal with these as an employer and employee.
Life writing as Historical Social Science - putting people back in? Some exploratory thoughts
Adjunct Professor Peter Ackers, Centre for Work, Organisation and Wellbeing, âdelivers an exploratory talk to make a case for bringing personal experience and family life stories back into the social sciences, concluding with a plea for use of a methodological individualism that privileges human action and choice over determination by abstract structures, institutions and discourses.