Is Globalisation in Reverse?

Is Globalisation in Reverse?
Is Globalisation in Reverse?

Principal speaker


Panel Speakers

- Michael Knox, Chief Economist, Morgans Financial Ltd

- Chris Rees, Austrade

- Sara McGaughey, Griffith Asia Institute

- Tony Makin, Director, APEC Study Centre, Griffith Asia Institute

Two hundred years after British economist David Ricardo proposed the classic argument for free trade in his Principles of Political Economy and Taxation (1817), based on the concept that countries are better off producing and trading internationally according to their comparative advantage, anti-free trade and anti-foreign investment sentiment is on the rise worldwide.

Does the case for free trade therefore need restating? And if globalisation is in reverse, how is this affecting Australian and Queensland international trade and investment?

Reservations are essential and places are limited for this free event.


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RSVP on or before Monday 13 November 2017 , by email , or by phone 07 3735 4705

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