Alumni Career Management Workshop Series (Brisbane)

Alumni Career Management Workshop Series (Brisbane)

Principal speaker

Dr Edwin Trevor-Roberts

Our world of work is in a state of uncertainty and transformation. Organisations no longer promise certainty about what the future will hold as technologies, industries and business models change at an ever faster pace. In this constant state of flux individuals struggle to find meaning and connection in their work and effectively transition between roles.

This Career Management Workshop Series is designed and delivered exclusively to assist experienced Griffith Business School students and alumni (with over five years professional experience) with insightful, constructive and practical guidance to craft a meaningful career. Over a series of three workshops you will walk away with a clearer sense of your career direction, the tools to effectively market yourself, and practical advice to build strong networks.

These workshops will provide you invaluable resources to help you design your career strategy, develop your personal branding and marketing tools, and learn the practical techniques to build networks for your career. Participants also have a chance to share their experience and learn from each other in the workshops.

Each series comprise THREE individual workshops, each two hours in duration.

Workshop 1: Design your career

Professionals with the most successful careers have a clear sense of their future yet are able to respond quickly to the opportunities that come their way. However, the rapid change in the global labour market has made the transition from study to employment increasingly complex.

Workshop 2: Develop your marketing tools

In this interactive workshop, participants will learn how to develop an effective resume and cover letter. Participants will explore ways they can identify the relevant information for their job applications and how to present this information to best represent them. This workshop will further explore how to develop the marketing tools participants will need for their job search and brand building toolkit.

Workshop 3: Strategic networking

"Engage your allies and be a good ally" says the Canadian Blueprint for Career Development. This elegantly summarises one of the key skills for a successful career, yet the concept of networking can be both daunting and nebulous.

In this increasingly global workplace, "who you know, rather than what you know' has never been more important and the ability to build a diverse and supportive network of contacts is fundamental to career success. This workshop helps participants to understand the value of networking in building a successful career and provides practical techniques for how to build networks.

Places are limited - register now to avoid missing out!

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Session 1

Session 2

Session 3