The Harvey Norman Graduate Program is not your average Gradaute Program.... but who wants to be average anyway!
This event is faciliated by the Griffith Careers and Employment Service for the purpose of increasing employment outcomes and sharing information about career opportunities with Griffith students and graduates.
Here are some of the daily activities you will be engaging in to develop your skill set.
Administration: Roll up your sleeves and get involved in the day-to-day back end administrative duties running a business.
Budgets, Wages & Rosters: Analyse in depth reports & budgeting tools to effectively manage workforce productivity and wages.
Leading/Managing a Team: Learn how to create a high performance teams in a retail environment.
Retail Sales: You will learn what it takes to provide 'Great Service Always' to ensure customers have a positive experience from the moment they walk in the door including Sales, Cashiering, Services & Finance.
Stock/Inventory Control: You will learn how to keep track of the stock that is flowing in and out of the Franchise on a daily basis.
Store Operations: 'Learn the ropes' from successful business owners on how to achieve positive results.
Warehousing: Retail isn't just about being on the shop floor. Experience behind-the-scenes operations vital to efficiently getting products on the floor and into our customers homes
During these 12 months, you will learn about the operations of the Harvey Norman, Domayne or Joyce Mayne brand. Across the year, you will be exposed to different lines of business such as Electrical, Technology & Entertainment, Furniture, Bedding, Bathroom and Tiles and Flooring. You will learn first-hand what it takes to be a leading retailer.
RSVP on or before Tuesday 19 March 2019 , via