Curated by Dr Judith Duqueim, Constructive Reductive is a multi-disciplinary exhibition of contemporary constructive art by twelve international artists that supports an inquiry into artist intentionality and artist technique. Works include: immersive light installation; virtual reality/eco sculpture; immersive drone-based sound scape; projective relief; painting and narratology;structural/geometric/spatial/code-defined painting; luminal kinetic
construction/photo sets; digital drawing; sonic science/audio art/sound plastics.
Artists: Joseph Buis (FR), Judith Cisneros (AR), Elizabeth Day (AU),
Judith Duquemin (AU), Liz Helman (UK), Gosia Koscielak (PL/US),
Roland Emile Kuit & Karin Schomaker (NL), Aaron Perkins (AU),
Charley Peters UK), T. Michael Stephens (US), Jon Thogmartin (US)
*Please note that QCA Galleries are practicing safe and hygienic practices throughout the gallery space and we will ensure that there are an appropriate number of attendees are in the gallery at one time to abide by the Government's social distancing guidelines. Visitors will be asked to check into the POP Gallery using a QR code.*