Emotional Resilience

Emotional Resilience
Emotional Resilience

Principal speaker

Dr Rachel Hannam, Director, North Brisbane Psychologists

All of us work in an environment that is constantly changing, is intense and is unrelenting.

Your resilience refers to your ability to cope and adapt to crises or stressful situations. Emotional resilience refers to how you use your emotions to develop your capability to manage your resilience.

More resilient workers are able to accept life changes and adapt to adversity without lasting difficulties, while less resilient managers have a much harder time with stress and change.

Emotions are not soft and fluffy ideas. They are vital in helping you to make hard, direct decisions. Emotional resilience can mean managing the emotions that you yourself experience or managing the emotions of those around you. Good emotional resilience enables you to increase productivity, improve morale, reduce absenteeism, and improve team relations.

In this workshop, we will explore the role of emotions, how and why they contain vital bits of information that can help you make better decisions. You'll receive all the information you need. You will be coached using practical hints that you can use straight away.

What will you learn?

- Identify your stress signs and resilience with strategies to develop resilience in yourself and others.

- Examine your experience of emotions to improve well-being and organisational effectiveness.

- Explore why you feel the way that you do in difficult situations and how your emotions impact upon your performance.

- Determine how your emotional intelligence relates to your resilience.

- How to increase emotional resiliency of your staff.

About the Presenter:

Rachel has been a registered psychologist since 2002. For years, she consulted with organisations, working with doctors, nurses, teachers, pilots, lawyers, managers and executives, and gained broad experience in coaching individuals and groups. She is skilled at helping people cope with stress and trauma, relationship conflict, and personal change. In 2006, Rachel was awarded her PhD which looked at psychological burnout and resilience.

Prior to this, Rachel worked as a researcher, a school teacher, and a weight-loss counsellor. She loves her work because she loves people! To her, helping individuals and couples feels like the best use of her talents. She is passionate about self-awareness and personal growth and is an avid reader. She and her husband have four children, three chooks, and a lazy cat!

Rachel helps you understand yourself and others in new ways and offers techniques and strategies that draw heavily upon acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), positive psychology, schema therapy, emotion-focussed couple therapy (EFCT), neuro-psychotherapy, nonviolent communication (NVC), and solution-focussed therapies.

Rachel's focus is on understanding your unique self to gain awareness of what triggers you, what drives you, and what holds you back. Rachel is relaxed. She uses humour and questioning to help you to reclaim your power and take responsibility for your own life.

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RSVP on or before Thursday 15 October 2020 07.22 am, by email pdn@griffith.edu.au , or by phone 07 37355626 , or via https://www.griffith.edu.au/arts-education-law/school-education-professional-studies/opportunities/professional-development-network/upcoming-events

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