EndNote Training

EndNote Training
EndNote Training

Principal speaker

Leanne Stockwell

Other speakers

Masami Yamaguchi

This workshop provides an introduction to using EndNote for research and reference management.

On completion of this workshop, participants should be able to;

• Enter references manually into EndNote

• Enter references exported from journal databases

• Choose the appropriate referencing style for their discipline

• Sort their literature into topical libraries

• Create in text citations, a reference list and a bibliography

• Integrate EndNote with Word or other writing applications.

This workshop is being held as an online tutorial, followed by a Q&A session. If you need any assistance with EndNoteafter watching the videos and completing the worksheets, you are invited to join a Q&A session.

Event categories

RSVP on or before Monday 30 August 2021 13.41 pm, by email RED@griffith.edu.au , or by phone +61 7 5552 9107 , or via https://events.griffith.edu.au/d/3mqjkj/

Event contact details