Consultative Workshop on the Proposed FAO-Griffith University Joint Program on Sustainable Land and Water Management

Consultative Workshop on the Proposed FAO-Griffith University Joint Program on Sustainable Land and Water Management

Principal speaker

Professor Andrea Bishop

Other speakers

Professor Rebecca Ford

Building on existing relationships, deliverables and capability, Griffith University and FAO have signed an agreement to co-develop and run a major research and training program focussed on Sustainable Land and Water Management for Agriculture.

The program will provide advanced research and training to guide sustainable management practices in agriculture and food production. It will be interdisciplinary and impact-driven, with FAO as the primary custodian of training delivered and research outputs produced for food producers and land and water managers. This will be aligned with the United Nations SDG2 of zero hunger and the coming Food Systems Summit on multi-stakeholder partnerships for scaling agricultural innovation.

The workshop will define the scope of the collaborative program with agreement on common language and terminology amongst the diverse backgrounds and disciplines of the invited participants. Following key addresses on partner intent, innovative thinking techniques will be employed in breakout sessions using participants' expertise, in the fields of food security and sustainable management of land and water.

This will be specifically to map the capability of Griffith University researchers and collaborators to the needs of the FAO State of the World's Land and Water resources for food (SOLAW) LIVE program, a tool under development to live map the global trends in resource requirements for the future of food and agriculture.

This is an invitation-only event

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