SEM 6 - Readings on SEM

SEM 6 - Readings on SEM
SEM 6 - Readings on SEM

Principal speaker

Daniel Phipps

This workshop is structured as a reading group on SEM. This is a classic structure used in academia, with researchers (including HDRs) learning about a new topic in a group.

Because of this, there will be very little material presented by the facilitator. Instead, participants are asked to comment on their reading of a portion of at least one paper from among those listed. The facilitator may add to the discussion, which is initiated by participants.

Please only attend if you have read at least one of the readings and if you have prepared 1-3 slides on at least one article, from the short bibliography below. You may choose to do any/each of the following

highlight an interesting or difficult passage of text for discussion / clarification in the group;

summarise some interesting points to discuss with the group;

deepen the reading by citing other publication(s) you read to explore further; or

other comment on text in the articles listed.

Readings (choose from the four listed below).

Berkout et al. (2014). Why so many arrows? Introduction to structural equation modeling for the novitiate user. doi: 10.1007/s10567-014-0165-3

Hoyle & Smith (1994). Formulating clinical research hypotheses as structural equation models: a conceptual overview. doi: 10.1037//0022-006x.62.3.429

Beran & Violato (2010). Structural equation modeling in medical research: a primer. doi: 10.1186/1756-0500-3-267

Lei & Wu (2007). Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling: Issues and Practical Considerations. Educational Measurement, doi: 10.1111/j.1745-3992.2007.00099.x

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