Excellent Graphics in R

Excellent Graphics in R
Excellent Graphics in R

Principal speaker

Daniela Vasco

This workshop complements other resources that focus on "How do I make this graph in R?", e.g. workshops that focus on programming in R, and the fantastic online help. Rather, this workshop addresses "How can I use R to create 'excellent' graphics?" We weave in discussion of the principles of excellent graphics, whilst introducing a grammar of graphics in the ggplot2 package. Five versions of these principles are put into action, to explain and motivate different methods of visualising data. This starts with the pivotal statistical distribution plots, from histograms to box plots, densities or others. Then we consider relationships, from the humble scatterplot and the many options for refinement.

Prerequisites: none, except perhaps a desire to make sense of the language of R

Level: either for beginners to programming or programmers grappling with its peculiarities.

Duration: 3 hours

Preparation: Please install R, R studio and ggplot. To check you have adequate background please complete the homework provided 2 weeks prior.

This workshop is part 1 of 2 workshops about Graphics in R.

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