Assessment Type: Examination - Oral (Interactive) General Resource - Review and consider possibilities

Last updated on 06/04/2020

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Assessment Type: Examination - Oral (Interactive)


Interactive Orals offer a great alternative to physical and online written or quiz-type Examinations. In this entry we feature outcomes of the recent Griffith Business School Trial of Interactive Orals.


Interactive Orals as summative assessment are suited to many existing Assessment designs in use at Griffith University. 

The following Assessment Design Types have been provided by the Griffith Business School as examples (please see ‘Hear from other Colleagues’ section below for full Overview).  If you have a similar type of Assessment Design, you might consider the implementation of Interactive Orals: 

  • Scenario-based oral defence of a report 
  • Scenario-based oral linked to all previous course assessment 
  • Scenario-based performance review after group project 
  • Scenario-based group defence of a Hotel’s performance  
  • Oral Exam – Viva Voce  
  • Scenario-based media statement and questioning 
  • Time-Released Case Study – Scenario-based email responses  
  • Scenario-based group defence of a pitch 
  • Scenario-based oral linked to a part of the Course content 
  • Scenario-based defence of previous assessment and interview based on part of the Course content 

> To see the full GBS Overview, click into the 'Interactive Oral Assessment Resource' or see the latest publication below.

Sotiriadou, P., Logan, D., Daly, A., & Guest, R. (2019). The role of authentic assessment to preserve academic integrity and promote skill development and employability. Studies in Higher Education, 1-17.


Course Profile Assessment Type Alignments

Examination - oral

An examination with an oral response required to questions from an examiner or providing an oral defence of a position e.g. for a thesis, oral defence of a poster, viva voce.

Presentation - technical or professional

Demonstrating oral communication skills that are technical or professional in nature. Includes oral presentations, speeches, moot court, debates, but excludes workplace-based assessment.



Policy Alignment

Please be sure to review the Griffith University Assessment Policy and if relevant, the Standards for First Year Assessment.

Learning & Teaching Framework & Standards Alignment

Griffith Learning & Teaching Framework- Designing for Success 

Principle 08 Digitally-Enabled Learning  

Program Assessment 

Students experience a program that systematically employs assessment to optimise their engagement, learning and capability 

Course Design 

Students are supported to effectively engage with digital resources to facilitate their learning. (Foundational) •Students experience a digitally rich learning environment. (Enhanced) •Students experience a course that provides systematic opportunities to progressively develop the digital and data fluency required in their future workplaces. (Enhanced) 

To see more, visit the Griffith Learning & Teaching Framework - Designing for Success website.

Enabling Technology

*You don’t need a Proctor for online presentations! 

The following VLE technologies have been identified as best matched to the provision of interactive orals in practice.  Their affordances are listed to assist your decision-making. 

Oral Presentations & the VLE

VLE Synch/NonSync Affordances Resources
Microsoft Teams Meetings Synchronous

Quick and easy
Share link via Calendar or MS Teams
Share-screen for presenting from Students’ own computer
Whiteboard facility
Can invite others

Microsoft Teams: All about Teams Meetings
Collaborate Ultra Synchronous

Virtual Classroom setting
Students should be familiar already
Share screen to present
Groups can present
Can be recorded

Collaborate Ultra Overview



You may create a Voicethread assignment link in your L@G Course, students click and create,  and mark in own time, or Invite a student to present while you are there to provide feedback.

Students can present with video (can mark- up video/imagery), images, powerpoint and video/audio to narrate the presentation.

Online marking – goes to Learning@Griffith Mark Centre

Use video, audio, text to provide comments and feedback if synchronous 

VoiceThread Overview


VoiceThread for Oral/ Video Presentation Assignments































Griffith Business School have found the designs for Interactive Orals can be implemented with a lead time of 2-3 weeks.  The trial also found the concept valuable in regard to: 

  • Efficiency of management 
  • Engagement and authenticity 
  • Ease and convenience for students (time-management etc.) 
  • Implementation across both small and large 1st and 2nd year Business Courses as well as other cohorts 

For assistance in implementing your own design, contact your Academic Group Learning & Teaching Consultant (Design).

Support Resources



© 2024 Griffith University.

Preferred Citation

Learning Futures (2020). Assessment Type: Examination - Oral (Interactive). Retrieved from