Millie the Mathematician - Collecting Shells
Price: $6.49 (Includes GST & Postage)
Suggested Reading Level: PM 20-24; Fountas and Pinnell K-O
In this book Suzie the Scientist and Millie the Mathematician help us learn how to collect and display data. Suzie helps Luke collect, sort and count sea shells, using tally marks and simple number facts. Millie the Mathematician then helps Luke make sense of the data by displaying them using tables, picture graphs and pie charts. This book addresses content from the Statistics and Probability strand within the Data representation and interpretation sub-strand. The specific Australian Curriculum content descriptor addressed is: “Create displays of data using lists, table and picture graphs and interpret them.”
For more information visit Millie the Mathematician Website
ISBN: 978-0-6484080-4-8