Millie the Mathematician - What's Your Favorite Food?
Price: $6.49 (Includes GST & Postage)
Suggested Reading Level: PM 16-20; Fountas and Pinnell I-K
In this book, Millie the Mathematician helps us learn about fractions and, in particular, halves, quarters and eighths. We learn that two halves equals a whole, that four quarters equals a whole and that eight eighths also equals a whole. Millie links familiar foods, cut into familiar shapes, to the concept of fractions. This book addresses content from the Number and Algebra strand within the Fractions and decimals sub-strand. The specific Australian Curriculum content descriptor addressed is: “Recognise and interpret common uses of halves, quarters and eighths of shapes and collections.”
For more information visit Millie the Mathematician Website
ISBN: 978-0-6484079-7-3