Chemistry Short Course 2025 - Nathan

Chemistry Short Course 2025 - Nathan

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Chemistry is either a compulsory or an elective component of the first year, first semester teaching program of many of the science degree and science-based joint degree programs at tertiary institutions including Griffith University.

If you have enrolled in one of these degree programs and you have a limited background in chemistry or you lack confidence in your abilities to ‘handle’ some of the basic principles of chemistry, we have prepared an intensive bridging course to help you develop self-confidence in some of the more fundamental concepts of the chemical sciences. This course is designed to introduce students to the language and elementary concepts used in first year, first semester chemistry. Also included will be instruction on the use of basic mathematics in chemistry, particularly, the use of straightforward algebra, the use of very large and very small numbers (scientific notation), exponents, significant figures, logs and the use of calculators in routine chemical calculations

Course Duration: Four Days

Date:                 18-21 February 2025
Time:                 9am to 5pm
Venue:               TBA Griffith University-Nathan Campus Kessels Road, Nathan, 4111
Fees:                  $170 (inc GST) for the four-day program (all notes and materials supplied)

Instructors:         Associate Professor Sarah Cresswell and Dr Tak Kim

The program involves: 

  • Theory lectures (all notes and materials supplied)
  • Problem-solving tutorials

    There is no pre-requisite for this course. It is assumed that you have never studied chemistry before. However, if you have studied some chemistry and wish to improve your knowledge, this course could be beneficial to brush up your skills and confidence prior to starting your university studies.

Topics include:

The nature of chemistry                              The language of chemistry
Chemistry and matter                                  Basic atomic structure
Atoms, molecules, ions                                An introduction to the periodic table
Fundamentals of chemical bonding               An introduction to chemical equations
Acids and bases                                           Balancing chemical equations 
The mole concept                                        Solutions and stoichiometry

To Enrol:

The website for registration opens November 2024.

Refund of Fees

A refund will only be made when a candidate cancels their enrolment at least 3 days prior to the beginning of the course. Where a refund has been paid an administrative fee will be charged. We reserve the right to cancel the course without notice if there are insufficient numbers, in which case a full refund will be paid.

Please Enrol Before: Wednesday 12 February 2025

For further information or in the case of late enrolments please contact:

Wendy Smith (07 5552 8064)

A/Prof Sarah Cresswell (07-3735 7824)
