Hun Joon Kim – book formally accepted with Cornell University Press

Centre for Governance and Public Policy
Dr Hun Joon Kim has had his book formally accepted by Cornell University Press. The book is called TheMassacres at Mt. Halla: Sixty Years of Truth-Seeking in South Korea, it’s about a series of mass killings that took place on Jeju Island in South Korea initially justified as counter-insurgency against Communist rebels, and the campaign […]

Accepted to International Organization

Centre for Governance and Public Policy
Hun Joon Kim and Jason Sharman have just had their paper “Accounts and Accountability: Corruption, Human Rights, and Individual Accountability Norms” accepted for publication withInternational Organization, the top journal in International Relations. The paper explains the rise of parallel norms mandating that state leaders guilty of major human rights and corruption crimes be held accountable […]

Two New Books with Cambridge University Press

Centre for Governance and Public Policy
This week Hun Joon Kim received a contract with Cambridge University Press for his co-edited volume Transitional Justice in the Asia Pacific. Although truth commissions and trials in response to mass atrocities in Europe, Latin America and Africa have received a great deal of scholarly attention, those occurring in our region have up until now […]