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The purpose of the Academic Integrity Policy Toolkit is to guide Australian higher education providers in:

  • the development of their Academic Integrity policy; or
  • in reviewing or auditing their existing Academic Integrity policy against exemplary practice for the purpose of improvement; or
  • more effectively implementing and supporting their existing Academic Integrity policy.

The Exemplary Academic Integrity Project has developed the toolkit to ensure that all Australian higher education providers have access to a range of resources to support institution-specific academic integrity policy. The Toolkit will assist higher education providers to meet the standards required by the Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA) to:

  • “Ensure the integrity of student assessment
  • Ensure the integrity of research and research activity
  • Prevent, detect and address academic misconduct by students or staff including cheating and plagiarism.” (TEQSA Provider Registration Standard, 4, Requirement 4.3)

Support is crucial for the development and enactment of effective policy and the Academic Integrity Policy Toolkit aims to provide that support by:

  • Transferring evidence-based, efficacious principles of exemplary academic integrity policies to all TEQSA registered higher education providers; and
  • Building capacity within Australian higher education providers to develop an institutional culture of academic integrity.

This toolkit draws from the following resource:

Academic Integrity Standards Project (AISP): Aligning Policy and Practice in Australian Universities (2012). Elements of exemplary academic integrity policy, Office for Learning and Teaching Priority Project 2010-2012,

How to use the Toolkit

The template is designed to facilitate the drafting of an appropriate academic integrity policy for consultation, decision and implementation at specific Australian higher education institutions. Policy makers can access internationally recognised resources and suggestions for best practice to address institutional issues in relation to academic integrity by clicking on the Question icon. The resources associated with this toolkit can be found here. Additional support resources on academic and research integrity are available at

Please note: At least the title section of the template must be completed to enable policy makers to access the rest of the template via the ‘Continue’ button. Once the template has been completed, the policy maker can save the form as a word document, which can be further edited as required.

Support for this project has been provided by the Australian Government Office for Learning and Teaching.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Australia License.


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