Electric Vehicles - The Voltage

Electric Vehicles - The Voltage
Electric Vehicles - The Voltage

Principal speaker

John Murray

Australia's electric vehicle industry is slowly gaining momentum with more companies creating cost-effective and affordable vehicles. Some people are keen to jump on the bandwagon while others are reluctant to embrace the new technology.

Have you ever wondered about electric vehicles? Is an electric vehicle right for you? Are they a viable alternative? What are the benefits? What role do they have in reducing our transportation emissions? Come along to our next community forum and listen to electric vehicle owner, author and presenter, John Murray, talk about all of this and more, and maybe bust a myth or two!
Event categories

RSVP on or before Wednesday 3 October 2018 , by email l.aristidis@griffith.edu.au , or by phone 3735 7992 , or via https://www.facebook.com/events/266357463987463/

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