The month ahead

The week ahead

Queer Here 2024
12 Sep

Queer Here 2024

This important showcase is the result of a partnership between QCAD Galleries, QCAD and the Brisbane Pride Festival. The selected works, spanning diverse media, explore queerness in both direct and subtle ways. From family and community to humour, identity, migration, feminism, and gender expression, these artists engage with the themes central to LGBTQIA+ experience.
Meta-analysis 3: Six Qualitative Methods for Literature Review, towards Meta-Analysis
16 Sep

Meta-analysis 3: Six Qualitative Methods for Literature Review, towards Meta-Analysis

We describe a qualitative approach, involving both a within-study and between-study literature analysis, which examines conceptual and theoretical frameworks, methods and results.
Formulating open-ended questions for interviews as part of Mixed Methods
17 Sep

Formulating open-ended questions for interviews as part of Mixed Methods

This workshop provides a practical guide to the formulation, wording and sequencing of open-ended questions (OEQs), in the context of a semi-structured interview, and as part of a mixed methods study.
Systematic style reviews in Health: Building a robust search strategy
18 Sep

Systematic style reviews in Health: Building a robust search strategy

Your library specialists will demonstrate expert search techniques using an example systematic review research question, for you to later apply to your own review search strategy. You will learn to use these techniques through demonstrations and discussions. The workshop will include topics like search concepts and synonyms, adjacency searching, subject headings (MeSH) and more.
Introduction to Computational Thinking
18 Sep

Introduction to Computational Thinking

This workshop introduces computational thinking as a precursor to learning how to write code in programming languages like R or Python. It will cover the steps involved in breaking down complex problems into computable chunks.
CANCELLED - How to Create a Project Budget
19 Sep

CANCELLED - How to Create a Project Budget

This session will provide some information and tools to assist researchers to develop a budget for their proposed research grant.
Introduction to digital texts and tools for HASS research
19 Sep

Introduction to digital texts and tools for HASS research

This information session introduces digital methods and tools to find, access and build a corpus or text dataset, then prepare textual data for analysis, including transcription tools and data recognition (OCR) to ensure machine readability.