ARC Grants Information Sessions

ARC Grants Information Sessions

Principal speaker

Professor Therese Jefferson

Researcher Education and Development (RED) would like to extend an invitation to academic staff and researchers to attend the following Australian Research Council (ARC) - Grant Information Sessions, at the Nathan campus.

The Office for Research is hosting the ARC's Professor Therese Jefferson- Executive Director, Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences to present the following sessions:

Session1: 2:00 to 3:15pm
The ROPE process for ARC Future Fellowship and Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards applications. Intending applicants and their mentors from all discipline areas are encouraged to attend.

Session 2: 3:30 to 4:45pm
How to develop highly competitive ARC grant applications in the business and social sciences disciplines and what makes a great application .

Please register your attendance here

Event categories

RSVP on or before Wednesday 3 July 2019 , by email , or by phone 0755529107 , or via

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