Data Wrangling in R - now ONLINE!

Data Wrangling in R - now ONLINE!
Data Wrangling in R - now ONLINE!

Principal speaker

Associate Professor Sama Low- Choy

A Masterclass - on registration potential participants will be directed to fill out a survey. If they have sufficient background they will be invited to participate in 'co-constructing i.e. collaborating with other participants and the guides, to (i) specify their learning needs in reference to other training available; (ii) agree on case studies and data sets to provide a platform for learning; and (iii) compile resources and scribe workshops.
The topics to be covered will be developed collaboratively, but will concern how to deal with data manipulation in R, including preparation of data for different kinds of statistical analyses.
This is an intermediate level workshop - please do not register if you are a beginner - see Induction in R or Excellent Graphics in R.
Prerequisites: All RED workshops on R for Statistics, and experience in using R


External participants can attend.

Payment via

Event categories

RSVP on or before Friday 8 May 2020 , by email , or by phone 0755529107 , or via

Event contact details