Formulating open-ended questions for interviews as part of Mixed Methods

Formulating open-ended questions for interviews as part of Mixed Methods
Formulating open-ended questions for interviews as part of Mixed Methods

Principal speaker

Dr Judy Rose

This workshop provides a practical guide to the formulation, wording and sequencing of open-ended questions (OEQs), in the context of a semi-structured interview, and as part of a mixed methods study. First, we briefly review the purpose of open-ended questions in interviews (e.g., to gather detail of experience to better understand the interviewees' perspectives; to gain insights in regard to phenomena). We then look at how to frame OEQs around a particular topic and how to write them using accessible language from a set of research questions. Next, we explore the formulation of different types of open-ended questions used for different interviewing functions that probe for information that is descriptive, refining, reflective or hypothetical (e.g., "if X happened how would you respond?'). We highlight other OEQ writing tricks (e.g., sequencing easier before harder to answer questions) and traps to avoid (e.g., leading or overly sensitive questions). Finally, we prepare you to apply these concepts to your own research interview script, especially preparing for analysis via mixed methods such as thematic analysis. This includes understanding saturation, i.e., where little new information can be gained as more participants are interviewed from a particular population.

Intended audience: Researchers new to writing open-ended questions for interviews and/or have interest in applying these skills within a mixed methods study. Also experienced researchers who wish to further refine their practice.

Connection to other workshops: This workshop differs from Formulating Open-ended Questions for Surveys as part of MM, since questions are designed for "real time' delivery. This workshop is useful before Interviewing Skills as part of MM and in conjunction with Interviewing to Quantify Expert Knowledge with Uncertainty or workshops on Thematic Analysis or Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis.

Recommended Readings: Holloway, I., & Galvin, K. (2016). Qualitative Research in Nursing and Healthcare. London, U.K.: John Wiley & Sons. Available as an e-book via Griffith University Library. Please read pp. 89-92


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