A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL - Navigating Artificial Intelligence: Kerry O'Brien in conversation with Toby Walsh

A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL - Navigating Artificial Intelligence: Kerry O'Brien in conversation with Toby Walsh
A BETTER FUTURE FOR ALL - Navigating Artificial Intelligence: Kerry O'Brien in conversation with Toby Walsh

Principal speaker

Professor Toby Walsh

Other speakers

Kerry O'Brien

Artificial intelligence has the capacity to completely transform the world, changing everything from interplanetary travel to cooking perfect pasta. But what are the costs: If everything changes through AI, how will we deal with the downside?

The latest instalment of Griffith University's Better Future for All series sees journalist Kerry O'Brien exploring the future and impact of AI with leading global thinker Professor Toby Walsh. His work not only explores the detailed technology of AI, but also raises a host of critical questions about its impact and morality.

There are few topics more important to the way we live than trying to understand the scope and the consequences of AI. Are we, as Elon Musk warned, "summoning the demon"? Is the potential for danger greater than the promises of instant, encyclopaedic understanding? Artificial intelligence is challenging our understanding of knowledge, learning and human capability.

Don't miss this vital conversation examining the promise and pitfalls of AI, and what it means for humanity's future.

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