Formulating open-ended questions for surveys

Formulating open-ended questions for surveys
Formulating open-ended questions for surveys

Principal speaker

Dr Judy Rose

What are open-ended questions? This workshop concerns surveys that may only use open-ended questions, or may use a combination of closed and open-ended questions. Each type of survey question is potentially guided by a different research purpose, suits a different format (of presentation in the survey), and may be amenable to specific methods of analysis. Close-ended questions, such as Likert scales, produce data that has been quantified, which is conducive to statistical analysis. Open-ended questions (OEQs), providing room for answers via text boxes, allow participants to respond in their own words and using their own frame of reference. This contrasts with closed-ended questions, that simply provide pre-defined responses. Thus, care is required to devise a qualitative analysis to suit OEQs.

This workshop covers the issues encountered in developing OEQs for inclusion in surveys, to ensure that they are consistent with the research purpose., differentiated from closed-ended questions, suited to the survey format (e.g. rather than an interview format). Typically, these are designed with a qualitative form of analysis in mind. In particular we consider mixed methods for analysis of related open- and closed-ended questions. Specifically, the workshop demonstrates how to write OEQs using clear, non-leading and accessible language. We suggest options for the sequencing of OEQs and explain the potential impact of order effects. For example, we look at how placing OEQs in the beginning, middle and end of a survey can affect the quality of responses. We then provide a review of the effect of other dynamic features, such as the sizing and placement of open text response boxes, in an online survey environment.

Intended Audience: Those using surveys as part of a mixed methods research project, or have interest in doing so in the future. Suitable for beginners, however it is an advantage to have done some reading about surveys (in practice, or methods).


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RSVP on or before Tuesday 16 May 2023 20.25 pm, by email , or via

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