What Next? Workshop

What Next? Workshop
What Next? Workshop

We're so proud of the 43 children who took to the stage across June 22 and 23. The 2023 Childhood Summit had over 500 people attend. These attendees left 600 messages addressed to the children presenting. Describing the impacts the audience felt, watching the power and vulnerability demonstrated by children on the stage.
If you want to re-live the Childhood Summit speeches, or if you weren't able to attend and really wanted to - you will be able to find the videos of the speeches on the Australian Institute of Play YouTube channel. These videos will be uploaded over the coming week.

Next We Commit to Action

At the Childhood Summit, we asked audience members to commit to listening. Listening without trying to fix anything. If we are listening and trying to think of solutions, it's easy to miss small bits of information conveyed whilst we are distracted with our thoughts.
We asked people to hold off from finding solutions, until we meet again for the "What Next Workshop", being held Tuesday 22 August.
This workshop aims to continue the momentum from the 2023 Childhood Summit, to ensure that children feel heard and know that actions will follow! We are excited to have many of our Child Voice Speakers return, and join us at this special event.
Together with the children, attendees will work together and commit to action, and continuous momentum. We will come together as a village, to support our young. The children of Logan have told us they need our help - how will you respond.

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