CIM 1: Introduction to critical inquiry on (one) method

CIM 1: Introduction to critical inquiry on (one) method
CIM 1: Introduction to critical inquiry on (one) method

Principal speaker

Associate Professor Sama Low-Choy

This first workshop aims to provide guidance on how to transparently describe and justify a method, regardless of whether it is qualitative, quantitative, or mixed (qual/quant). We present published examples of studies where methods (or their reporting) have been assessed as flawed, biased or discredited in some way. We then provide better examples having clear explanations of aim, rationale, and logic of the method when applied to a particular research question. There is also a responsibility to report benefits as well as biases and other limitations. Finally, we provide some strategies for moving to more critical inquiry about choice of method. Referring to published studies, exercises in small groups will assist you to reflect on how methods are reported and justified, especially how they help address research question(s).

Format: This workshop will be delivered, via an online mode. We adopt active learning approaches. Participants should aim to attend all three sessions to gain full benefit.

Pre-requisites: While these workshops cater to all levels of experience, they are best attempted by researchers (including HDR candidates) who have already researched method choices, and are at least at the stage of proposing, applying or writing up a method. This means you have some basis for beginning the process of critical inquiry on method. For instance, you could have completed a series of RED workshops (say 4-6) on a particular methodological topic.

Examples of RED topics include:
•Statistical thinking
• Reproducible Research
• Foundations of Mixed Methods
• Mixed Methods, in Action
• Surveys in mixed methods
• Interviewing in mixed methods
• Formulating and validating questions
• Statistical analysis of survey data
• Regression modelling
• Structural equation models
• Computational thinking
• Meta-analysis
• Quantifying expert knowledge
• Bayesian thinking
• Qualitative thinking

Pre-reading activity, before attending: Choose 2 journal articles that look at a similar research question. One week before the workshop you will be sent a link to a brief online survey, to add bibliographic details of the articles, and answer three questions. Please be prepared to share your responses in small groups, within the workshop.

Disclaimer: We couldn't possibly give you an overview of all possible research methodologies (as there are millions). Instead, we talk about the process of evaluating the suitability of a method (from options you come up with yourself) using a framework for critical inquiry of method.

Event categories

RSVP on or before Monday 18 September 2023 14.57 pm, by email , or via

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