Millie the Mathematician - Are You Certain?
Price: $6.49 (Includes GST & Postage)
Suggested Reading Level: PM 16-20; Fountas and Pinnell I-K
In this book, Millie the Mathematician helps us learn about chance. She uses toy spinners to help Andrew and Alana to predict events that are “certain” to happen or “impossible” to happen. We also learn to predict “likely” or “unlikely” events based on chance. This book addresses content from the Statistics and Probability strand within the Chance sub-strand. The specific Australian Curriculum content descriptor addressed is: “Identify practical activities and everyday events that involve chance. Describe outcomes as ‘likely’ or ‘unlikely’ and identify some events as ‘certain’ or 'impossible'.”
For more information visit Millie the Mathematician Website
ISBN: 978-0-6484079-9-7