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Griffith Science
Millie the Mathematician - Early Readers
Millie the Mathematician - Millie Measures
Price: $6.49 (Includes GST & Postage)
Suggested Reading Level: PM 8-12; Fountas and Pinnell E-G
In this book Millie the Mathematician helps us learn about measuring length using informal units of measurement. When Millie’s dad leaves his ruler at work, Millie is forced to make comparative measures of the length of her desk by using her own feet as informal units of measurement. This book addresses content from the Measurement and Geometry strand within the Using units of measurement sub-strand. The specific Australian Curriculum content descriptor addressed is: “Measure and compare the lengths and capacities of pairs of objects using uniform informal units.”
For more information visit Millie the Mathematician Website
ISBN: 978-0-6480139-8-3