Millie the Mathematician - Pirate Pan's Treasure
Price: $6.49 (Includes GST & Postage)
Suggested Reading Level: PM 12-16; Fountas and Pinnell G-I
In this book, Millie the Mathematician helps us learn about giving and following directions to familiar locations. We learn that we can give directions using a variety of instructions as Sally the Parrot helps Pirate Pan locate his lost treasure. Students are also introduced to the concepts of using ‘clockwise’ and ‘anti-clockwise’ as part of instructional directions to find a location. This book addresses content from the Measurement and Geometry strand with in the Location and transformation sub-strand. The specific Australian Curriculum content descriptor addressed is: “Give and follow directions to familiar locations.”
For more information visit Millie the Mathematician Website
ISBN: 978-0-6484079-4-2