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Griffith Science
Suzie the Scientist - Early Readers

Suzie the Scientist - Things that move
Price: $6.49 (Includes GST & Postage)
Suggested Reading Level: PM 4-6; Fountas and Pinnell C-D
In this book Suzie the Scientist helps us learn about how things move.
Some things are easy to move by pushing or pulling. We can even throw some things in the air easily. But others things are hard to push, pull or throw. Suzie shows us that that being able to move things depends on their size, shape and weight. She also shows us how to move things that are heavy.
This book addresses the learning outcome “The way objects move depends on a variety of factors, including their size and shape” from the Physical Sciences sub-strand of the Australian Curriculum: Science.
For more information visit Suzie the Scientist Website .
ISBN: 978-0-6481832-3-5