Developing Researcher Training Program

External Research Datasets
06 Oct

External Research Datasets

An exploratory and hands on session for researchers on AURIN, Australian Data Archive, ABS microdata and other major virtual data labs and portals.
Advanced Data Wrangling using OpenRefine
21 Sep

Advanced Data Wrangling using OpenRefine

An online workshop about advanced data wrangling skills for those researchers who have already attended the Introduction to Data Wrangling session.
Creating a RIMS Coversheet
16 Sep

Creating a RIMS Coversheet

This is a practical session that steps you through the process for submitting a research grant coversheet in Griffith's Research Information Management System (RIMS), an essential step in the process of submitting a grant application and establishing a new successful project.
GALE Digital Scholar Lab
16 Sep

GALE Digital Scholar Lab

An introduction to the Gale Digital Scholar Lab, a platform used to explore and analyse historical content from Gale's databases.
Introduction to Data Wrangling with OpenRefine
15 Sep

Introduction to Data Wrangling with OpenRefine

In this workshop we use OpenRefine, an open source tool which you can use to scrutinize, clean, organise, combine and transform data. It is particularly powerful when working with large datasets.
Navigating the Publishing Maze for Early Career Researchers
14 Sep

Navigating the Publishing Maze for Early Career Researchers

This seminar workshop for Early Career Researchers will provide an overview of academic publishing strategies to help build your research profile. Target audience are ECRs and late candidature HDRs who currently wish to successfully publish their research in articles or books. Includes those who are engaging with peer review/editing processes.