Developing Researcher Training Program

Literature search strategies for Systematic Quantitative Literature Reviews: how to find papers and where to look
09 Mar

Literature search strategies for Systematic Quantitative Literature Reviews: how to find papers and where to look

During this session research librarians will demonstrate the development of a robust, well-documented search strategy, designed to locate all eligible material using an example review question. The session incorporates active learning components where the participants can apply and integrate the techniques discussed into their own search strategy. This is the first of two SQLR workshops.
Formatting your thesis Q&A
09 Mar

Formatting your thesis Q&A

This online session will give participants the opportunity to ask any questions they may have after going through the resource that is provided upon registration. This resource contains video lessons on how to use Microsoft Word's automated settings and features to apply consistent formatting throughout a document and manage long documents efficiently.
Introduction to digital texts and tools for HASS
08 Mar

Introduction to digital texts and tools for HASS

Are you looking for ways to gather, capture or transcribe a set of digital works for further analysis? Does your digital text collection need preparation to be understood by software? This information session introduces digital methods and tools to find, access and build a corpus or text dataset, then prepare textual data for analysis, including transcription tools and data recognition (OCR) to ensure machine readability
Systematic style reviews in Health - Building a robust search strategy
02 Mar

Systematic style reviews in Health - Building a robust search strategy

Your library specialists will demonstrate expert search techniques using an example systematic review research question, for you to later apply to your own review search strategy. You will learn to use these techniques through demonstrations and discussions. The workshop will include topics like search concepts and synonyms, adjacency searching, subject headings (MeSH) and more.
Conveying the argument in academic writing
01 Mar

Conveying the argument in academic writing

Develop a clear argument in your writing as well as identifying arguments in the writing of others.
Data Storytelling
22 Feb

Data Storytelling

This session is for researchers to learn how to use the data, visuals and narrative to bring together the story of their research.