Publishing during your PhD

Publishing during your PhD
Publishing during your PhD

Principal speaker

Dr Abigail Downie

Other speakers

Antony Ley Maria Connor Heather Monro-Allison

This workshop provides the requirements and guidelines for publishing as part of your PhD thesis.

On completion of this workshop participants should be able to:

- identify official HDR publishing requirements, including using publications in your thesis, copyright considerations, thesis structure requirements. Also become aware of support and training services available throughout your candidature.

Specific guidance will be provided to:

- evaluate the trustworthiness of a publication outlet using the Think-Check-Submit checklist

- use tools such as SCImago to assess the suitability and quality of journals for publication

- evaluate the pros and cons of publishing in open journals


Event categories

RSVP on or before Tuesday 23 May 2023 11.39 am, by email , or via

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