Publish or perish? Multidisciplinary perspectives on what, when, with whom and why

Publish or perish? Multidisciplinary perspectives on what, when, with whom and why
Publish or perish? Multidisciplinary perspectives on what, when, with whom and why

Principal speaker

Dr Adele Pavlidis

Other speakers

Dr Ali Chauvenet; Dr Millicient Kennelly

Publishing an article is now a core requirement for the PhD at Griffith University but this aspect of academic life can be one of the most challenging to negotiate. In this workshop we provide insight about our respective publishing journeys in Humanities/Social Science, Business, and Science and share some of our key learnings and tips for getting your work out there. In particular we focus on the what, when, who, how and why, to help you plan for success in publishing academic peer reviewed journals.

Some of the topics we will cover include:
• Why publish? Finding your purpose and motivation
• Where to publish? How to choose a journal and the importance of journal choice
• Who to publish with? Supervisors? Peers? Alone? Negotiating some of the complexities of collaboration, authorship, and the differences within some disciplines
• How to publish? Walking you through the key steps including first submission, responding to peer review comments, and dealing with rejection.

As well as sharing our experience and knowledge, we will also work through any questions or particular areas participants want us to discuss and we encourage you to follow this link if you have any particular questions or concerns you would like us to address anonymously in the session.

This workshop is suitable for HDRs and early career researchers who want to start thinking about publishing.


Event categories

RSVP on or before Tuesday 8 August 2023 12.43 pm, by email , or via

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