Media Engagement and Training

Media Engagement and Training
Media Engagement and Training

Principal speaker

Ryan Taylor

Other speakers

Emma O'Connor

Media training can help academics and executives understand the best ways to communicate with media and through them, their audiences. Many shy away from external communications opportunities and leave the benefits on the table.

Being available for and comfortable with media opportunities helps both to promote the University and your research/expertise, which can also provide flow on benefits like possible industry collaborations, potential grant applications, promotions and more.

Distilling research and ideas into a media friendly 'grab', or interview opportunity is an acquired skill, but we can help!

Experts from Griffith's media team have working knowledge of the media landscape from both sides of the fence, as both media and communications professionals. Expertise from our Social Media and Video content teams round out our media training offering.

10:00 am - 11:30 am

- Why/you want coverage

- What is news and how we can help you

- Dealing with the media and interview techniques across different platforms

Social Media
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

• Getting to know social media

• Platforms, audiences and how to use social media to promote your work


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RSVP on or before Wednesday 9 August 2023 14.36 pm, by email , or via

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