Introduction to Python - Software Carpentry Workshop

Introduction to Python - Software Carpentry Workshop
Introduction to Python - Software Carpentry Workshop

Principal speaker

Isaac Jennings

Have you always wanted to get hands-on experience using Python for data science, but aren't sure where to start? Perhaps you are already familiar with another programming language and would like to add another language to your skillset? We are pleased to announce that eResearch will be running a two-day Introduction to Python workshop. Voted "Language of the Year" five times running since 2000 according to the TIOBE Index, Python is modern programming language used across data science, artificial intelligence, and web development. Learn the foundational skills required to begin your Python journey by attending this two-day workshop and join an ever-growing community of Python programmers. No prior knowledge is required.


Event categories

RSVP on or before Tuesday 3 October 2023 10.48 am, by email , or via

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