Dr Monica Naughtin
Griffith University takes research integrity very seriously and expects all of its researchers to conduct ethical research of the highest quality. It's vitally important for researchers to think about what constitutes ethical research practice and how they can ensure that their research is conducted with honesty and integrity. This presentation will help you to consider the different aspects of research integrity so that you are equipped to conduct responsible research that will enhance the reputation of your research team and the University. We will talk about some of the pressures researchers face which lead to breaches, challenges and pitfalls to avoid. We will discuss the principles of responsible research conduct, as articulated in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018).
This session is for current Griffith University staff and students only.
RSVP on or before Thursday 30 May 2024 13.40 pm, by email red@griffith.edu.au , or via https://events.griffith.edu.au/X8MEOG