MBA Mini Masterclass - Responsible business in dynamic Asia: can the puzzle be solved?

MBA Mini Masterclass - Responsible business in dynamic Asia: can the puzzle be solved?
MBA Mini Masterclass - Responsible business in dynamic Asia: can the puzzle be solved?

Principal speaker

Professor Caitlin Byrne

Other speakers

Sean Jacobs

As the pendulum of political and economic power continues to move from West to East, it is clear that Asia, as the engine room of global economic growth, will continue to drive business innovation and opportunity.

Powerhouse economies like China, India and Indonesia will remain a mainstay of business opportunities. Meanwhile regional blocs, such as the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), bring demographic advantage and offer new potential, especially for entrepreneurial and digital business.

However the challenges for business are immense and the sheer diversity and complexity of the Asian region cannot be underestimated. Geopolitical tensions bring new risks for business leaders to contemplate. The impacts of a changing climate and the movement towards decarbonised economies have brought shifts in global and regional regulatory environments. This ongoing drive for better development outcomes demands greater attention to responsible business leadership, sustainable practices and cultural competence.

Join Professor Caitlin Byrne, Griffith Business School Pro Vice Chancellor, and special guest Sean Jacobs, Griffith Asia Institute Industry Fellow and MBA Alumnus, who will discuss the key issues facing business leaders considering expanding into the dynamic Asian region.

The Griffith MBA Mini Masterclass is a must-attend event for responsible business leaders who are considering taking their business ventures forward in Asia, offering practical tools and insights to help set you up for success in this dynamic region.

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