Griffith Business School

Alumni Career Management Workshop Series (Gold Coast)
08 Mar

Alumni Career Management Workshop Series (Gold Coast)

This Career Management Workshop Series is designed and delivered exclusively to assist experienced Griffith Business School students and alumni (with over five years professional experience) with insightful, constructive and practical guidance to craft a meaningful career. ​Over a series of three workshops you will walk away with a clearer sense of your career direction, the tools to effectively market yourself, and practical advice to build strong networks.
BSI Research Seminar: Preparing logistics for a low carbon world
05 Mar

BSI Research Seminar: Preparing logistics for a low carbon world

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change now argues that to keep global warming to a sustainable level of total CO2 emissions will have to drop by 45-50% over the next twelve years. What does this mean for logistics, a business activity accounting for 10% of energy-related CO2 emissions? In this seminar, Alan McKinnon will explain how companies can devise a strategy for decarbonising their logistical activities.
GriffithBUSINESS Year 12 Workshop 1
27 Feb

GriffithBUSINESS Year 12 Workshop 1

Griffith BUSINESS Program: Year 12 Workshop 1. Further details to be released in 2019.
GBS Alumni Breakfast: Career fulfillment in an uncertain world
22 Feb

GBS Alumni Breakfast: Career fulfillment in an uncertain world

Join the Griffith Business School Alumni Network for breakfast and hear from an expert on career fulfillment in an uncertain world.

This dynamic presentation will explore:
• How work has evolved to what it is today and the trends that are shaping the nature of work.
• The different perspectives of what work means to people.
• What career success is, and how to find it.
• How to motivate others by helping them find meaning in their work.
Let's talk social impact: How innovative charities lead the way
21 Feb

Let's talk social impact: How innovative charities lead the way

The Griffith MBA and Griffith Centre for Sustainable Enterprise invite you to join our first MBA for Life event of 2019.

The evening will include a presentation from two charities, each making a difference to Australian communities: Orange Sky and Rosies. Both charities are acclaimed for their innovative business models, creative business ideas, and social impact. Our guest speakers will discuss each of these topics plus the scale of their dreams.
Perspectives:Asia | As China rises, can its culture conquer the world?
21 Feb

Perspectives:Asia | As China rises, can its culture conquer the world?

To celebrate the release of the February 2019 issue of Australian Foreign Affairs 5, "Are We Asian Yet? join contributing author Linda Jaivin as she looks at how we ought to be able to relate better to Chinese culture than we do given there are 1.2 million residents or citizens who identify as ethnic Chinese in Australia and Mandarin is the second-most commonly spoken language after English.